...will depend a great deal on what you bring to the New Year.
Welcome January 2022 and the start of another new year!
The first month of the year can often feel quite pressured and I have been thinking a lot about how much autonomy we have in our lives, particularly in relation to the concept of freedom and what it means practically. The quote which began this blog demonstrate how much autonomy we do have over the start of another year, and how important our attitude is in relation to the future. Consequently, the theme of this month's blog is freedom and how we can thoroughly understand and utilise this quality. When we think about freedom, what comes to mind? Being released and detached from everything? Running through the world without a care in the world? Not having any worries and having a perfect life with no concerns?
We often think that freedom means that we are released from everything and that we have to let go of everything in order to achieve it.
But maybe, freedom is easier to accomplish than we first think...perhaps we don't need to let go of everything...perhaps we can be free right now!
Let's take some time to consider freedom and how we can widen our perspective on this word and its associated quality.

At some point around 400 BC, the Greek philosopher Thucydides wrote:
“The secret to happiness is freedom… and the secret to freedom is courage”
This is a somewhat unusual quote and one which I think is worth considering in greater detail. As shown by the picture above, I have recently visited a climbing centre and have tackled some of the walls there, having not climbed for quite a considerable amount of time. For me, this was a test of courage in so many ways, not least because your mental attitude has a huge impact on your physical ability as you start to navigate up the wall. There is definitely a feeling of freedom when you overcome the obstacles and reach the top, knowing that you have used courage to get there. And courage can often be a quality which is overlooked...
We talk so much about fear. How often have we heard the saying “everything you want is on the other side of fear”? We write about fear, we discuss the irrational fears exaggerated by the voices in our heads, we talk about the fear of the new and unknown as opposed to the security of the familiar, no matter how unpleasant. But we less frequently talk about courage.
While we talk about fear as the thing that stands in our way, as the obstacle, the thing that must be overcome, we less often talk about the tools we need to overcome it. We regularly repeat advice that we must focus on the positive, on the opportunities, on the things that bring us happiness, because what we focus on expands. Yet we regularly focus on or give thought to the quality or emotion of fear.
However, in his phrase Thucydides gives us the solution. The tool we need to focus on in order to combat the fear. That thing that we’ve been missing all this time. The thing that, the more we use it, the more of it we will have.
Courage to say no to something we don't beleive in.
Courage to assert our wishes, to have an opinion, to say what we think.
Courage to step up and do something new.
To be better tomorrow than we were today.
To break free of our comfort zone.
To keep going despite a lack of confidence.
The courage to try and to fail and to try again.
The courage to be our best selves.
To pause and be still for a moment.
To focus on ourselves when we need to replenish.
The secret to freedom is courage. Courage to forgive ourselves, to love, to see the best in those around us. The courage to be who we decide to be. And with no worries about how others think or view us.
American author and screenwriter Christopher Paolini said, "Without fear, there cannot be courage" and his words validate how we should be focusing on our fear and courage together which will then lead to an increase in our experiences of freedom. Without the experiences of fear, there won't be the opportunity for freedom to appear in our lives. I urge you to take advantage of the beginning of the year to encounter fear, courage and strive towards freedom.
Freedom may be different for us all - whether it is a walk outdoors, the time to make you and your loved ones a home-cooked dinner or an afternoon spent reading...but whatever you think may help you to feel more free, take the time to enjoy doing that activity and you may even surprise yourself with taking pleasure in something new!
We may often think about freedom as being detached from all distractions and interruptions in life, but when we look at the etymology of the word, there is more than it first appears. The adjective 'freedom' derives from the Old English freo meaning "exempt from; not in bondage, acting of one's own will," and also "noble; joyful". We may observe from the range of definitions that freedom is as much as being happy and content in ourselves, as being unrestricted from distractions. The picture below was taken on a recent walk, and which exemplifies the freedom of Nature and how beauty can be found in the most barren of landscapes.

Here are some stirring words by American poet Robert Frost:
"Freedom lies in being bold"
These words show us that we have to be daring and seek the unknown for us to achieve what we may be seeking for ourselves and those dear around us. Let us be bold and find that freedom, rather than worrying about expectations about the year ahead. Resolutions for a New Year can cause us to feel disappointed if we don't achieve what we set out to do, but freedom would mean that we are happy, irrespective of whether the resolutions are achieved or not. Seize the fear, embrace the courage and take pleasure in the freedom which arises.
I am delighted to have been chosen as a Brand Ambassador for Rooster® this year and for me, this feels like the result of a lot of hard work, being bold and the courage to seek opportunities. Please find out more about the range of technical and casual nautical products available by clicking here and viewing the January pictures below.
Thank you also for all your continued support for the brand instagram account.
I am delighted to announce a partnership with SamosaCo who will be helping to fuel sailing training and offer a fantastic variety of vegetarian and vegan snacks, meals, sides and accompaniments including pickles, chutneys and so much more...above is one of their fantastic products - the vegetarian onion bhaji scotch egg - which is especially useful for food on the go! Sailing training will be greatly fuelled by the range of delicious Indian foods.

Wednesday Wind down With Sitara continues every week 8-10pm on Lymm Radio with a fantastic variety of weekly themes, songs and quotes! Please do message in with your song requests and special mentions as it is a pleasure to include your favourites!
Take the time to tune in and enjoy a variety of different weekly themes, motivational quotes and uplifting music to end your #humpday with positivity and calm.
Ogden Nash once said: "Time is like the ocean, always there, always different" and I hope that you are able to enjoy the opportunities, memories and experiences that 2022 brings.
Tune into the radio show via your smart speaker or via this link...a positive way to start the day! #localradio

I conclude January's blog and the first of 2022 with the following words:
"Freedom is being you without anyone's permission"
I hope you enjoy the remainder of January and are feeling positive and uplifted as we move towards February and another exciting year ahead - here is an encouragement to be yourself and be confident in doing so!
Sitara xxx