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Now is the month of Maying...


May you wake with gratitude...

Welcome to May!

As we continue in our 10th week of lockdown and slowly approach three months since Boris Johnson's call to isolate, there may arise concerns about the easing of the restrictions and how best to cope with the quickly changing times.

Here is a quote which which I would like to share with you all to encourage you as you move forwards:

May the sun bring you energy by day...

May the moon softly restore you by night...

May the rain wash away your worries...

May the breeze blow new strength into your being...

May you walk gently through the world and know its beauty all the days of your life...

This was kindly sent to me and I think it demonstrates how we can usefully turn to the physical elements when we are uncertain. These past few weeks have produced some gorgeous sunny days and there is a clear demonstration of Nature and Earth embracing this period of greater stillness. All we can do is take inspiration from the physical world around us, particularly with the unlimited time to be spent outdoors. Having recently met a dear friend and enjoyed a delicious evening picnic, I have been reminded of the wonderful simplicity of good company, good walks and, of course, good food...please click on the picture below to follow my instagram account for more foodie inspiration! I have set up my own facebook page for the brand which I have started, having reflected on what positivity I would like to share with the world, which connects with my instagram account and this website. I continue to do fortnightly instagram live videos for specific recipes so I hope you enjoy watching them also :)

Thinking back to earlier in this month, we experienced another notable day which I hope you enjoyed with some friendly neighbour interaction. VE Day 2020 marked the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in Europe. Here was yet another example of perseverance and endurance. Looking ahead to its commemoration, Director General of the BBC described the impact of the day: "At a time when many are looking for unity and hope, the BBC will bring households together to remember the past, pay tribute to the Second World War generation, and honour our heroes both then and n". Whether you watched the Queen's speech or not, this day offered the chance for emotions of solidarity, despite the alternative party arrangements involving social distancing. The Queen, speaking at 9pm, recalled her father addressing the nation 3/4 of a century ago. In the area near my home, it was touching to see neighbours and streets all coming together to make the best of the situation in the safest manner possible. There was a clear sense of camaraderie and companionship throughout the day, with union jacks lining the houses and other decorations joining those in praise of NHS and key workers who are working to manage the current situation as swiftly as possible.

Winston Churchill's determined words may inspire us to continue doing what is best for the nation and never to give up:

"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields and in the streets. We shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender"

Facing such losses and the possibility of defeat, Churchill saw this as the perfect opportunity to rise to the challenge. Let us take comfort and continue in strength.

"April showers bring May flowers"

The way in which certain individuals have grasped the opportunities available to them during this uncertain time is truly incredible, and this has inspired me to begin with my own brand. Former British Army Officer Captain Tom Moore, now Sir Tom Moore, raised £32.8 million by walking 100 laps of his garden in celebration of his 100th birthday. He viewed the NHS and key-workers as national heroes without a second thought. Just as Sir Tom alongside so many others risked his life for the country, in the same way NHS and key-workers risk their lives on a daily basis during these uncomfortable times. We can take hope and confidence from these scenarios and look to our contributions as individuals into making the world a steadier and more positive place to return to. The regularity of meeting others on a walk has shown to me the way in which people are becoming more aware of their impact upon others lives. People stop to wish each other a good day, ensure that there is enough room on the pavement and chat whilst waiting in supermarket queues. As Ralph Waldo Emerson says "The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be". Help to share and spread this respect within your own communities by acknowledging others in your lives. We are now able to meet with one person outside of the household whilst social distancing, but this does not limit our interaction with others as we move around. You have the choice to wake up and smile as you meet others in the lovely sun and to accept that we are all humans, working through this situation together. #maysummerdays

Alongside Sir Tom, there have been multiple others whom I have admired, as they utilise this time to develop their creativity and increase their positive impact upon the world. Above all, the poem entitled "When just the tide went out" by Max Boyce epitomises the multiple emotions experienced throughout this time; frustration, hope, fear, uncertainty and everything in between.

Last night as I lay sleeping, when dreams came fast to me...

Written by the Welsh comedian, singer and entertainer who rose to fame during the mid-1970s with an act that combined musical comedy with a passion for the Rugby Union and his origins in the mining communities of South Wales, the poem was dedicated to everyone in the NHS during these troubled times. It speaks about the best behaviour of people, despite the state of suspense which we currently find wrapped around the deadlines of politicians' speeches.

And when these days are over and memories remain When children painted Rainbows and the sun shone through the rain And the doctors and the nurses who stretchered all the pain And I hope the carers never see a time like this again...

Looking back to the past and future simultaneously, this poem brings us to the present and how our current behaviour will impact upon both time frames. The Buddha says "Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most" and I think this reflects the importance of enjoying what you are doing now. Make the most of those around you, the weather, hobbies which you enjoy, and everything that makes you smile.

You deserve it. Michel de Montaigne expresses this perfectly: "Lend yourself to others, but give yourself to yourself". Don't forget your impact upon the world.

And I’ll remember mornings with nobody about When the shops were closed like Sunday, and just the tide went out...

The picture above was taken on a walk in Yorkshire where I have enjoyed time spent with those dear to me, having finished my academic work for studying at Cambridge University. These are strange times for us all, but a great lesson to demonstrate how even the best plans can be interrupted, if the Universe wills it. It has been unusual adapting to a different way of studying and completing work for final year, but I continue to remind myself that life does take unexpected twists and turns. These may be seen by us to be positive or negative, depending on our perspective. By simply observing the changes with less attachment to the outcome, we can surf the waves of life with smaller peaks and troughs. Beneath the waves remains the still calm. I take the time here to remind you of the existence of this. Take comfort and remember that there is always someone who cares for you and loves you for who you are. Sending my best wishes to you, and hope that you are able to find more peace and joy, by visiting your family as the lockdown eases.

Salmon Rushdie said:

Reality is a question of perspective...

You have the choice and decision to change and shape your life into something which you want. I am here writing this to encourage you to do what makes your heart shine. I believe in you. Take this blog as incentive to follow your goals and never stop dreaming.

Lots of love always,

Sitara xxx


1 commentaire

Harjinder Bartle
Harjinder Bartle
28 mai 2020

A timely, beautiful and inspiring read, thank you Sitara 🙏

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