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June is the gateway to summer...


Let your dreams set sail...

And with thoughts of a sunny beach and still, calm aquamarine waters...we welcome June and all that it has brought!

Although the weather may not consistently reflect the time of year, especially with the recent storms and lightning, we may take reassurance in the fact that lockdown is starting to ease and some normality in our lives will resume...however, this idea of 'normality' may be undoubtedly challenged since we have observed drastic changes in every sector and industry throughout the world in the past few months. Nevertheless, much of this blog today will take inspiration from a recent movie which I watched, Passengers. This demonstrated to me the way in which our lives may be viewed very simply.

I begin with a quote from one of the protagonists:

If you live an ordinary life, all you'll have are ordinary stories...

This statement may seem obvious at first, but once we recognise its power, its significance in our lives now extends. The current situation is not ordinary, even though its duration thus far may have dulled our awareness of how extraordinary the scenario is. This does not mean that we excuse the deaths and devastation which covid-19 has wreaked globally but it provides us with hope that we can learn and grow. As I have noted in recent times, it has been interesting to observe the reaction of various companies in response to the spreading of the virus and how online technology has become priceless. It allows us to connect with friends and family all over the world with the click of a button. Yet, there still seems to be a hole waiting to be filled...a gap in our arms where loved one's embraces would previously have filled. An empty seat where a loved one would perch for a morning coffee and chat would wake the mind before a day at work. Celebrations of anniversaries, birthdays and many other events have taken place with alternative arrangements, often via a screen...and countless other circumstances which have been transformed. This is plainly not ordinary.

Consequently, our stories can be extraordinary also. It just depends on how we tell them...

As you start to walk on the way, the way appears...

One of my current favourite descriptions of the UK may be found in the quote by HSBC which includes the following:

"We are part of something far, far bigger..."

I hope that you can recognise how this symbolises our involvement within a larger society and how many individuals together can make a difference. Within these abnormal times, we can join together in the understanding that we are living through history being made. This can be clearly observed in the recent political and social movements, including that of Black Lives Matter, where numerous people have gathered in support of a common cause. The situation extends beyond us as individuals and therefore it is important that we look beyond our own lives and consider how we connect with each other, rather than move further apart. #standtogether

"When life gives you a rainy day, play in the puddles"

Wellies, raincoat, waterproof trousers and rain. A common occurrence when tackling the fortitude of British weather. This recent memorable experience outside, surrounded by the smells of damp grass and the occasional tweeting of a bird, demonstrated to me how we can turn apparently overcast situations (and perhaps weather?) into lighter ones with the power of our minds. A familiar character in a best-selling film pronounces "I figure life's a gift, and I don't intend on wasting it". Jack Dawson from the American epic romance Titanic, refrains from giving up on life, despite his humble and impoverished background. Nearing the end of his life, he demands that Rose "will survive...never give matter what matter how hopeless". His determination and willpower causes Rose to relate that she was saved "in every way that a person can be saved". We can make a difference in our lives, if we direct our energy sufficiently.

Undoubtedly life is not as simply scripted as many Hollywood blockbusters are, but I think that Titanic and Passengers portray an understanding about the fragility of life and how valuable our memories are. Throughout lockdown, everyone will have been encountering obstacles at various times. Thus, our memories will be unique and individual, and may be treasured.

Richelle Goodrich remarks:

"There are in this world ample reasons to be sad and disheartened, discouraged and fearful. But there are as many reasons not to be"

I hope that you can continue to move forwards with the changing times, and discover the opportunities to consolidate useful daily practices which you have used in the recent months of lockdown. We learn from the musical Annie:

"You're never fully dressed without a smile"

Turn that frown upside down and conjure happiness for both yourself and all of those around you.

Let us continue with another thought-provoking outlook on life:

"You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens"

Rumi's quote above may seem initially harsh, but the essence behind the words of this great poet and teacher seems to point towards a state of becoming free. Monday 23rd March 2020 started a duration of lockdown in the UK which at first appeared to be extremely restrictive. Nevertheless, seven weeks passed and there was slight easing to the restrictions. We can continue to recall the definitive days from then until the present moment. Yet, that way of thinking would be likely to encourage us to dwell on the past and what has been endured. It has been different for all of us.

Let us march on and continue with a smiling face and open heart, as Rumi projects in his words below:

"Live life as if everything is rigged in your favour"

What a different and uplifting perspective!

Personally, during these unexpected times, I have been inspired by my exploration into baking and cooking to share more with you, as you are such an engaging audience. I have taken advantage of the extra time and space to experiment and do what I love. The situation has then brought about the creation of my own brand. Enjoy browsing through the new website which shows the ways in which I hope to bring more optimism into your lives, perhaps even by sampling a selection of the recently launched vegan treats... I am very grateful to everyone who has supported me thus far, especially those who have sampled my food and offered their helpful feedback. This website will be continually updated with blogs, photos and many more fantastic additions in the days and weeks to come, so I hope that you are just as excited as me. Please follow the Facebook and Instagram accounts for continued activity.

Life is sweet...Please take a treat :)

The picture above displays recent behind the scenes footage...a vegan Bakewell tart resulting in some very happy customers. However, one of the most useful outcomes highlighted for myself was the significance of angle. A slight change led to different light, shadows...and what could be misunderstood for a completely different Bakewell tart. Instead, it was just the angle at which it was being viewed. This simple Bakewell tart analogy may be applied to our own lives and particularly as lockdown eases yet further. Life may have been altered but it is just as important to identify our own outlooks in response to the changes. Mark Batterson acknowledges this in his words "The outcome of your life will be determined by your outlook on life".

Do your best to maintain positivity as much as you are able.

As always, I hope you have found useful food for thought in this blog, particularly as it has appeared on the same day as the launch of the new website. Please subscribe for updates and more exciting pages being launched very soon!

Lots of love always,

Sitara xxx

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